Choices & Life

What makes you feel nostalgic?

The life goes on .. no matter what. I am one of those who has always maintained that new year is nothing but a change in date like the other 364 days.

The life is full of phases, from full of hope when young, to maybe cynical and this year I am somehow again hopeful.

Life has been kind to me with parents who gave all the opportunities and like any humans they had their fears and limitations because of which maybe they couldn’t support at times, the way they should have. But they did a lot.

And despite having opportunities, I being a human made something out of some and missed out on some.

As we (married entity) were contemplating on life and the upcoming year, I felt what matters is just continue moving ahead. We can choose to live in the past, with regrets or choose to move ahead. Not choosing is also a choice we make. We always have choices in life.

Nostalgia is celebrating and maybe analyzing some of these choices. With great difficulty, finally in 2023 I probably have reduced being in the past but being in the present. I have accepted my past choices as mine, taken in the context of what I wanted at that point.

With 2024 around the corner, I don’t want to go back rather take one day at a time and hopefully carve a path for myself with some new achievements, failures, joys and adventures.

Gone is the time, when probably I let the time and world take decisions for me. Now on each and every decision would be mine, right or wrong.

This year, I am going to commit to two changes: a healthy lifestyle and taking & owning decisions.

2 responses to “Choices & Life”

  1. This is a very relatable and inspiring post. Thank you!

    Liked by 1 person

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